Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Glee Week 3 and Ringer Week 4

I did not take notes last night as I was doing homework, so I'll probably have less to say. I do have things to talk about though. I want to like Glee this season. I really really do, but something feels off. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe, it's because I find it so hard to root for any of the characters now. Anyways, my favorite storyline this week has to go to Mike. Fittingly, the episodes title was Asian F. This week Mike got an A- in chemistry, which is apparently like getting an F to Asians. Mike's dad was very upset about this, but Mike himself wasn't. His dream isn't to be a doctor or a lawyer. It's to be a dancer. Mike decides to audition for West Side Story by singing "Cool". I thought the dancing was amazing in this performance. Emma, Coach Bieste, and Artie definitely saw something in his audition because they gave him the part of Riff at the end of the episode. I just have to say that Mike has probably one of the nicest mothers on Glee because she completely understood where Mike was coming from. Mike and his mother dancing had to be one of the most heartwarming moments of the episode. Tina was also very sweet to Mike, encouraging him to be honest with his father.

After encouragement from her boyfriend Shane, Mercedes decides to audition for the part of Maria by singing "Spotlight". The directors loved this performance, which eventually led to a diva-off between Mercedes and Rachel. Even Rachel felt intimidated by Mercedes. For the diva-off, the two girls sang "Out Here on My Own". I thought they were both amazing in this song, but Rachel thought Mercedes was better. The problem I have with this song is it has nothing to do with West Side Story, let alone the part of Maria. I mean come on Maria is a soft soprano, and a soulful song does nothing to display the traits Maria needs to have. Mercedes continued being a diva throughout this episode, getting frustrated at the dance practices Will now requires. Before the diva-off, Mercedes sung "It's All Over" as a dream sequence, which was kinda interesting. Moving on, Rachel decides to talk to Coach Bieste about the whole situation and decides to run for class president. Kurt is not happy about this at all, but Rachel tells him that she needs something to put on her college applications. The directors decide to double cast the role of Maria, but Mercedes was having none of that and decided to pull out of the musical. Rachel gets the part of Maria all to herself. As a twist, Mercedes is the first from New Directions to join Shelby's new show choir, and Rachel decides to stay in the class elections despite getting the role she wanted. While I think it was wrong of Rachel to throw Kurt under the bus, I felt bad for Rachel during this episode because otherwise she does work hard to get want she wants. Mercedes has been portrayed as lazy since Glee started, and it's no wonder that she's under-appreciated.

Other important storylines in this episode were the class presidential campaign, Will meeting Emma's parents, and the final cast list for WSS. Since Kurt apparently had a lead over Brittany in the election, Brittany decides to perform "Run the World (Girls)" in front of the whole school. This was an awesome dance number, and I thought it was effective. As for Will, he decides to invite Emma's parents over for dinner since he had never met them. Emma apparently had a very good reason for not introducing Will to her parents. They are awful. They make fun of her because of her OCD, and she had every right to be ashamed of them. Will ends up defending her and later apologizes for not realizing that she had a good reason to keep him in the dark about her parents. This leads to Will and New Directions sing Coldplay's "Fix You" at the end of the episode. I thought this was a beautiful song and probably one of my favorites, if not my favorite, of the episode. As for West Side Story, the roles of Tony and Anita went to Blaine and Santana respectively.

I have to go on my usual rant about Finn and Rachel. Finn's role on this show has been reduced to being Rachel's "trophy" boyfriend. He does nothing anymore, and I don't think that's good because I always thought he was one of the lead characters on Glee. He's boring now, and I don't understand why he doesn't have his own storyline this season yet. I mean I don't want to see him with Rachel, but he is imporant. Apparently, Finn is a lot more interesting when he's not with Rachel. Go figure. Also, I don't want to see him as the perfect boyfriend when he's clearly not perfect. Someone needs to call him out on his behavior last season because Rachel and other characters are called out on their faults all the time. I don't appreciate self-righteous characters. And okay, I not-so-secretly miss Jesse St. James. I know I have a lot of problems regarding how I feel about Rachel's love life (this is the part of Rachel that's hard for me to root for), but my biggest fault in this case is becoming quite attached to the "other guy". I always root for the underdog if I truly feel he is the better option.

Spotlight: ***** I don't know this song, but Amber sounded great. She is definitely one of the most talented singers on this show and is not underused like some of the others. I just don't think the song should have been used for a Maria audition.
Run the World (Girls): **** Again, another song I don't really know, but I didn't know most of the songs this week. The dancing was the best part, and the song choice was perfect for Brittany. Heather is not only a talented dancer, but can hold her own as a singer.
Cool: **** Oh my god! Mike can sing and not just dance! Anyways, I thought Harry sounded good, possibly better than Cory. It's clear that he's worked really hard on his singing ability.
It's All Over: **** This song was quite funny with individual parts for several of the characters. It was the perfect choice for a dream sequence although I think Mercedes is taking her diva tendencies a bit too far.
Out Here On My Own: ***** As I said earlier, this is the wrong song to sing for a diva-off for the role of Maria. Despite this, I thought this song was amazing. Amber and Lea sounded really great together as they usually do.
Fix You: ***** Okay, I'll admit I didn't know this Coldplay song before it was revealed to be featured on Glee, but I though Matthew did a great job with it. I usually don't compare songs to the original anyways. It was a great choice for Will to sing with Emma in mind. It's probably one of my favorite end-of-episode songs although I say that all the time.

Yes, I admit that I really loved the music this week. No complaints from a music standpoint. I just don't understand why they use songs that don't make sense given the context.

As for Ringer, this episode took place on Bridget and Siobhan's birthday. Most importantly, though, Bridget finally had to reveal herself to Gemma at the end of the episode. Gemma had overheard a conversation between "Siobhan" and Henry discussing their affair. Bridget made it clear that she didn't want to be with Henry anymore, but the damage had been done. I don't think it's going to be long before Andrew finds out. Also, Victor really is on the right track with regards to figuring out the Bridget-Siobhan situation. Victor happened to find and listen to the recording from when Bridget called for help on the boat after Siobhan disappeared. I'm really scared what price Bridget will have to pay in the coming episodes when all is revealed. The real Siobhan has her own problems in France. I think she genuinely likes Tyler, but she really has personal issues that she needs to sort out before she gets into a serious relationship. I don't understand why she is out to get Bridget either.

This episode used flashbacks of past birthdays to show how Bridget and Siobhan's relationship has evolved over the years. When they were young, they were from a less than wealthy family, so they couldn't afford to get two necklaces on their birthday. Instead, they thought they could buy one and share it alternating the ownership of the necklace every other year. Later, Siobhan was reluctant to celebrate with Bridget on their special day. Apparently, Henry knew about the necklace since Siobhan got it through the mail when she was in his prsences.

I was really freaked out at the beginning of this episode when Bridget had a nightmare about Andrew figuring out everything and a zombie Siobhan revealing herself. Very scary thought! It seemed so real. At the time, I was worried about nothing, but things are different now though with Bridget having to reveal herself to Gemma and Victor knowing what he knows.

I probably won't be writing about Revenge tonight since I have class until 8:40. I'm already behind on Nikita and Supernatural. At least, Glee is on hiatus until November thanks to the MLB playoffs. For the record, I did see TVD and TSC last Thursday, but I was genuinely too busy to write.

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