Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reven8e Week 2

Today's episode of Reven8e built on last week's premiere. On the show, it is now twelve weeks before the fateful party where Daniel is found dead. During this episode, Emily continues to carry out her plan. While she took down Lydia last week, this week she focuses on a man, Bill Harmon, who was a trusted family friend that testified against her father. Although Nolan didn't know it, Emily used her connection with him to carry out her plan against Mr. Harmon. I thought Emily's plan was very clever. She visits Mr. Harmon at his job and asks him to show her the computer system. When he's done showing her the system, Emily watches him roll dice in his hand in a way that shows her the password code. Later, we learn that Emily hacked into the system to bring the company's stocks down, which is bad for both Mr. Harmon and Conrad.

Throughout this episode, Victoria is very suspicious of Emily and wants to learn more about her. The first thing she does is ask a man by the name of Frank Stevens to look into Emily's past. It was mentioned that Frank knew about Conrad and Lydia's affair. Victoria later decides to invite Emily over for tea so she can learn more about Emily's past. She wasn't very successful in learning anything useful, though. Frank comes up with the information Victoria wanted, but that wasn't very helpful either. Victoria asks someone to follow Emily around by the end of the episode. Victoria obviously feels threatened by Emily.

Also, Emily and Daniel become much closer in this episode. After a horse racing competition, Daniel invites Emily to go out with him. I thought this date was very cute and understated. It also happened to be on her birthday. After Daniel walks Emily home, they're about to kiss when Nolan and Jack Porter show up. The door to the house is then opened showing a surprise birthday party for Emily. Clearly, Emily wasn't expecting this, and I'm not sure she approved. After the party when everyone has left, Daniel and Emily do finally kiss. I do wonder how this relationship is going to end up because I'm not sure about her intentions and neither is Victoria. I really do hope Emily genuinely has feelings for Daniel because I like them together.

This episode further develops Nolan's character. Throughout this episode, it is shown that he is lonely. Nolan hangs out with Jack several times in this episode although Jack shows reluctance to being around him. I kind of feel bad for him since no one wants to be his friend. Emily doesn't want him around either although she uses him when it's convenient for her. Nolan and Jack have a connection because Nolan bought Jack's boat (which just happens to be named Amanda). Jack was didn't want to sell the boat, but he needed the money. It is evident that Jack's family is poor unlike most of the other families. Nolan ends up making a deal with Jack that he'll give the boat back if Jack pretends to be or even genuinely becomes his friend.

Since their affair was revealed in last week's episode, Conrad and Lydia's relationship has changed. Lydia has now lost everything, including the beach house. Since she blames Conrad, she asks him for a check. Apparently, money solves everything. It was an interesting reveal and a very kind gesture that Nolan had bought the beach house in Emily's name. In my opinion, Emily doesn't really deserve him as a friend or ally or whatever they're supposed to be. Emily's father believed in Nolan. Why can't she? It says something that David trusted Nolan with his company.

A lot is learned about Jack, his son Declan, and his father (Declan's grandfather) in this episode. Obvious is the fact that they're poor, which I stated earlier. Apparently, Jack has a somewhat estranged relationship with his father, which is likely due to his father's drinking problem. Jack does convinces him that he's proud of him and not ashamed, but it must be hard to believe it. Declan also plays an important role in this episode. During this episode, Declan has very obvious girl troubles. The girl he likes, Charlotte, is apparently in an on-and-off relationship with a complete jerk named Adam. Early in the episode, Declan is unfairly ditched by Charlotte, Adam, and their friends. I thought Charlotte and Adam were an item, but I was surprised to learn later that Charlotte and Adam are technically on a break. As Adam is leaving Charlotte's home, Charlotte's phone rings. Well, he decides that this is a good moment to learn who's communicating with Charlotte. Possessive much? Adam reads a text message from Declan who wants to hang out with Charlotte. Adam sends a fake text message as Charlotte telling Declan that she'll be there. Instead, Adam and his cronies show up to beat up Declan. Before things get really ugly, Declan's grandfather shows up drunk and gets the other boys to leave. When the others have left, Declan uses this time to go on a rant about how big of a loser. After Declan leaves, his grandfather has a heart attack. As the episode is winding down, Jack finds his father lying on the floor. I hope he's not dead, but I expect the worst.

Like Nolan, Emily is shown to be lonely. In the closing scene, we see her sitting at a table having a cupcake with a candle lit. Before blowing out the candle, she says "happy birthday, Amanda". I really felt for her during this scene. It seems like even she is having doubts about whether she is doing the right thing or not. I just hope she learns to trust other people and to stop pushing them away because some of the characters, like Nolan and Jack, genuinely have her best interests at heart.

Tomorrow, I plan on writing about TVD and TSC, but I can't guarantee anything because I have a project due on Friday.

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