Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Glee Week 1 and Ringer Week 2

Today, I watched the season premiere of Glee and the second episode of Ringer. I know I've told people that I was done with Glee in the spring because the finale was so cringeworthy, but I admit to being weak. After I read spoilers about the third season of Glee, I just couldn't resist checking it out. Anyways, on with the show!

After seeing the premiere of Glee, I felt relief that Finchel was in the background. If you know me, you know I absolutely can't stand them together and feel they are completely wrong for each other. Finn once again gave me a reason to hate him when he spoke against Blaine joining glee club. Oh yeah, that's right! Blaine has now transferred to McKinley High to be with Kurt! I can honestly say I'm happy for them. I also really liked the Rachel-Kurt interaction in this episode. It was really sweet that they comforted each other when they felt completely humilated after seeing a group of musical theater potentials perform a mash-up of Anything Goes and Anything You Can Do. This brings me to the Lindsay Pearce, one of the runner-ups from the reality series The Glee Project. I thought her character Harmony sounded absolutely amazing and can't wait to see her again. She only has a 2-episode arc, but it's certainly better than nothing.

Also in this episode, Sue launches a campaign to get rid of the arts in public schools during Sue's Corner. This is certainly bad for New Directions. I just love to hate this woman. Sue teams up with Santana and Becky, whom she names as co-captains of the Cheerios. Later in the episode, Will and Emma decide to lauch an offensive counter attack and glitter-bomb Sue during Cheerios tryouts. I thought this scene was hilarious.

On a different note, Quinn is in a really bad place right now. Over the summer, she died her hair pink, took up the habit of smoking, and decided to leave ND. Santana, Brittany, and Rachel all tried to get her to rejoin ND, but were not successful. By going through a punk phase, Quinn is rebelling against what people want her to be. I do miss the old Quinn and hope she'll be back with ND soon. I really felt for her at the end of the episode when she spied on ND's performance of "You Can't Stop The Beat". She just looked so sad. During Blaine's performance of "It's Not Unusual" earlier in the episode, she is the one who ignites the purple piano by dropping her cigarette near it. Will decides to blame Santana for this incident since she and the other cheerleaders poured gasoline on the piano. I do think Will was taking things a bit too far by banning Santana from ND. Although Will doesn't know it, it wasn't completely Santana's fault. Others have done far worse and haven't been kicked out of glee club. I guess Will has finally grown a backbone.

Oh and how about that food fight? After ND performs "We Got The Beat" at lunch time, Becky triggers a food fight by throwing something green at Rachel. I don't remember what it actually was, but I thought this was another one of the funnier scenes tonight. Also in this episode was the introduction of Sugar (played by Vanessa Lengies from Are You Afraid of the Dark? and Stick It), who cannot sing or dance. She tries out for ND by singing "Hey Big Spender", but is rejected by Will. I kinda feel bad for her because I always thought anyone could join ND. Another example of Will finally using his backbone. Before the last group performance of the episode, we learn that McKinley High is going to perform the musical West Side Story (yay!) and Kurt is running for class president. I also want to say how much I loved ND's outfits for the performance of "You Can't Stop the Beat". The purple looked awesome! Overall, I thought this episode was a good start to the third season of Glee. Oh and for the record, I still don't like the bangs on Rachel. Lea Michele can make them work, but I think they are un-Rachel-like and make Lea look too old to play a high schooler because of her facial structure.

On a final note, I've decided to rate the five songs in this episode:
We Got The Beat: **** I really liked this song, but thought it sounded a bit Kids Bop-ish. I think it's a very fun song, and it was nice that Naya and Heather got solos in this song in addition to Lea.
Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do: ***** I loved it! Lindsay Pearce has an amazing voice, and I'm so glad she was picked to have a two-episode arc after competing on TGP.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead: ** This song felt very out of place in the episode. I don't particularly like the arrangement of the song and barely recognized it when I first heard it.
It's Not Unusual: **** Darren Criss sounds great in this song! Since Blaine is now at McKinley High, I hope that Finn isn't the male lead for every group song ND sings this season like in the previous two seasons.
You Can't Stop the Beat: ***** I love love love that Glee picked this song from Hairspray! It is one of my favorite songs from that musical and was great to end the episode with.

I can't forget that I also watched Ringer tonight. Throughout the episode, Bridget was trying to keep it a secret that she shot the man with a gun that could be traced back to her even though she is living Siobhan's life. Bridget decided to tell her therapist Malcolm the truth, and together they planned to have Bridget go into hiding....but by the end of the episode, Bridget decided to keep on living Siobhan's life because Juliet need her. From the flashback scenes (9 years ago), we learn that Siobhan had always thought Bridget as a selfish person and staying is Bridget's way of proving Siobhan wrong. I thought the scene in the bathroom between Bridget and Juliet was very touching. In the first of two closing scene, Siobhan finds out that her banking account has been closed. Afterwards, she calls someone to tell him that Bridget is ruining everything and that something needs to be done. I really want to know who this person is that Siobhan has been calling and why Siobhan wants to kill Bridget so badly. At this point, it's pretty obvious that she knew Bridget would take her place. In the second closing scene, I was shocked that the body was missing when Bridget opened the suitcase.

Other things to note in the episode: I was so nervous that someone was going to find out about the body at the cocktail party since the suitcase that Bridget hid the body in was leaking blood and the ringing of the cellphone. Victor clearly knows something is up, which is why he keeps showing up to "Siobhan" to talk about Bridget. Also, it's going to be really sad if and when Gemma finds out about Henry's infidelity since she does genuinely love him. I'm glad Bridget has completely cut off things with him. From the parking garage scene with Malcolm, I think that someone is also after him. I was scared that he was going to be killed off. I can't believe the nerve of that woman who works with Andrew. She thinks that "Siobhan" is using her pregnancy to save her marriage. While that may have been the case, it isn't now since Bridget isn't even pregnant. I really want things to work out between "Siobhan" and Andrew, but I don't know how that will be possible if he finds out Siobhan is really Bridget.

Well, that's it for now. Tomorrow, I plan on writing about the series premiere of Revenge, a new show on ABC.

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