Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Glee Week 2 and Ringer Week 3

In my opinion, tonight's episode of Glee was amazing, definitely the best episode since season one. There were many fantastic scenes with some of the best acting we've seen on the show. I'll start at the beginning. This episode begins with Brittany deciding to help Kurt with his campaign for class president, which doesn't end up well. Kurt decides that the unicorn posters that Brittany made are too gay, so he makes his own. Brittany still posts the unicorn posters around the school, and Kurt confronts her. Brittany finds sympathy from Santana who tells her that she is the unicorn. By the time Kurt tells Brittany he is willing to be the unicorn, Brittany has decided to run for president herself with help from Santana. Kurt just never seems to catch a break (more on that later). I do actually feel bad for him. Sometimes, I'm guilty of thinking he gets too much screen time compared to some of the other characters that have been around since the beginning (Tina, Mercedes, Mike).

Also, the auditions for West Side Story take place in this episode. Since Will can't direct the musical, Coach Bieste, Emma and Artie (as student director) are given the opportunity to do so. I thought it was a cute moment when Tina encouraged Artie that he would do a good job even though he wasn't confident that he would. All three of the songs in this episode were used as audition pieces. First, Rachel auditioned for the role of Maria by singing "Somewhere". When Rachel is practicing for her audition, Shelby decides to help her chose the song she sings for her audition. Yup, Shelby makes her return in this episode. More on her later. Anyways, Rachel makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with Shelby. Shelby persists by telling Rachel that she shouldn't play it safe by singing "I Feel Pretty", but to sing "Somewhere" instead. Rachel and Shelby sing this song as a duet, ending with Rachel completing the song in front of Coach Bieste, Emma, and Artie. I thought this duet was amazing. I also want to say that I loved Rachel's hair in this scene. I've made it no secret that I hate Rachel with blunt bangs, but when she styles them as side bangs they don't bother me as much. I just think the blunt bangs makes her look older than a teenager. Moving on...

The second audition came from Kurt who wants the part of Tony. Kurt decided to use "I'm the Greatest Star" from Funny Girl. I was quite surprised he chose this as his audition piece because he really shouldn't have picked a song normally sung by a female to audition for the role of a straight male. This does end up hurting Kurt's chances. This episode clearly was not a good one for Kurt. Anyways, I thought that Kurt's number was very fun and the knife twirling and acrobatics were cool, but clearly the three co-directors weren't buying what he was selling. As Coach Bieste, Emma, and Artie discuss the auditions so far, Kurt spies on them. When he realizes that his chances aren't looking good, he finds Rachel so he can re-audition. Kurt and Rachel decide to perform the bedroom scene from Romeo and Juliet. I thought this was hilarious because of the obvious over-acting, and apparently the directors thought it was, too, because they began laughing when Kurt and Rachel couldn't go through with the kiss. Kurt gets very upset after this and storms out.

The third and final audition was at the very end of the episode. This audition came from Blaine, who chose "Something's Coming". Earlier in the episode, Blaine had confided in Kurt at dance practice that he didn't think he would get the lead role since he was a junior, so he wasn't going to audition for Tony. Yup, Blaine's apparently younger than Kurt, which is kinda weird to their individual maturity levels, but whatever. When Blaine apparently blows away the rest of the auditions for Tony, he is asked to read for Tony's part while Kurt is watching from the balcony. I though something was off about Blaine's dancing during the song, but it could just be me. The episode ends here as a cliff-hanger. Now, I will back track.

After Kurt's storm out, he decides to talk about his situation with his father Burt, who works at a car garage. The beginning of this scene starts out with a conversation between Rachel and Finn, who works for Burt. Finn admits to Rachel that he doesn't want to audition for Tony because he is too busy and doesn't know if show business is for him. Rachel goes on to tell him that he is talented, but he still goes on to decline the Tony audition. This somehow leads to a sappy line where Finn tells Rachel that she's "the best girlfriend ever". Bleh. You never thought that was the case the first two seasons, Finn. They then kiss, which Burt interrupts...thank God. Kurt also makes his entrance into the scene and tells Burt that he's going to have to be able to act as a straight male to make it. Burt tries to make him feel better by bringing up the idea that Kurt may have to make his own rules. I suppose something Burt said got through to Kurt because he changes his mind about the campaign posters.

Shelby makes her comeback in this episode when she is asked to be a teacher at McKinley High, which Sugar apparently had something to do with. She decides to use this opportunity to allow Puck and Quinn to be part of their daughter Beth's life. Throughout this episode, we are shown that Quinn is in a very dark place, so it should be awhile until Quinn actually is able to see Beth. I'm not sure it actually will be though. During the first conversation between Quinn and Shelby, Quinn makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with Beth. This gradually changes throughout the episode. For her video campaigning against the arts, Sue has Quinn go to Will to tell him that she's never coming back to glee clue blaming it for her downfall. This completely backfires on both Quinn and Sue because: 1. the camera was not working at the time and 2. Will finally calls Quinn out on her immaturity saying that she needs to grow up. I have to agree with Will on this one, unlike the Santana thing in the last episode. After this scene, Puck visits Shelby and Beth. I thought this was one of the best scenes in the episode and produced some great acting from Mark Salling. Originally, Shelby was skeptic about Puck's readiness to see Beth again, but he convinced her that he had cleaned up his act. It was very cute that Puck had drawn a picture for Beth. The next day, Puck confronts Quinn in the bathroom because he wants her to clean up her act so they can both be a part of Beth's life. Again, Quinn holds her ground on the matter. During the second conversation between Quinn and Shelby, this all changes when Shelby finally gets through to Quinn by telling her that she needs to stop punishing herself. Quinn asks to see a picture of Beth and starts crying. Quinn decides to rejoin New Directions and shows up at the next dance practice like her old self (girly dress and blond hair). Quinn goes on to tell Puck she's only cleaning up her act so she can gain back custody of Beth. I really want to know how this ends up because you normally can't gain back complete custody of a child you put up for adoption. It's not like this situation is an open adoption case either.

Oh wow! I wrote a lot on Glee this week. I'm actually really looking forward to the rest of Glee this season. They seemed to have actually figured out what went wrong last season (lack of continuity, out of character moments, etc).

Somewhere: ***** This song was absolutely beautiful and very emotional. Lea and Idina are amazing at singing duets together. I loved it.
I'm the Greatest Star: *** Chris sounds good in this song. I'm just not sure it's the right song for him. It definitely wasn't horrible.
Something's Coming: **** I thought this song was very good. I'm not sure about the execution of the song on the show, but I really like the recording of it.

After writing such a long commentary on Glee, I'm going to try to keep it short with Ringer. In this episode, Bridget tries to find out who sent the hitman to (unsuccessfully) kill Siobhan. To help her with this task, she has the hitman's cell phone. When on the phone with Malcolm, she comes across a photo of Siobhan and Andrew, the same one that the hitman had. She comes to the conclusion that Andrew is quite possibly behind the murder attempt. After developing suspisions about Andrew, Bridget goes to an electronics store to ask about the cell phone. Later, she goes to an alley where she is seemingly trapped. This scene was very suspenseful, but Gemma ends up opening the door and inviting "Siobhan" into a dress shop where Andrew had set up an appointment so she could find a dress to wear to the ballet Swan Lake that evening. "Siobhan" questions Gemma about Andrew's intentions, but Gemma tells her that Andrew is a good man. As "Siobhan" is leaving the shop, she receives a call from a man who had contact hitman. He told her to put the phone down on a bench, but she decides to pick up the phone again. I was genuinely scared that something bad was going to happen to Bridget during this scene even though it was broad daylight. When Bridget returned home, she called the phone company to trace the call but was told it was a blocked number. Bridget then calls Malcolm, who is attacked. It definitely wasn't looking good for him throughout the rest this episode. The men who attacked him were involved in the murder that Bridget was a witness of, so they might kill him after they figure out where Bridget is. Later, Bridget goes to her attorney to talk about Andrew and a deed for a property. "Siobhan" subtlely asks questions to learn the reasoning why Siobhan wanted a divorce. Apparently, Siobhan was afraid of Andrew. The attorney also tells her that Andrew may have been trying to cheat her on the deed. This makes Bridget even more suspicious of Andrew. When Andrew finds out her talk with the attorney, he gets angry with her telling her that the place the deed is on is worthless and to go to the ballet with Gemma. This was a heart-wrenching scene. I really felt for Bridget. When Bridget visited the place afterwards, she realized that Andrew may have been right about it. As she's in the building, she realizes someone else might be there. This person turns out to be the mysterious man that called her ealier. She pulls out her gun and runs out of the house. She then quickly gets a ride from a taxi and calls Victor to meet up with him. When they meet up, "Siobhan" asks him about the search for her sister. She goes on to ask if there are any leads on Bridget. Victor goes on to admit he knows that "Siobhan" withdrew money and missed a few appointments. He also knows that Siobhan slept with Henry wondering if Andrew knows. If Victor doesn't figure out Bridget has been posing as Siobhan in the next episode, I'll be very surprised. He knows a lot more than I thought he knew, especially about Siobhan's affair. Afterwards, Bridget calls back the man to tell him she's willing to give the cell phone to Victor. I think it's quite possible that she will end up giving it to him. Later, we see "Siobhan" at Gemma's place telling Gemma she can't go to Swan Lake. When "Siobhan" asks about Henry, Gemma says he's not coming either. When she gets back home, "Siobhan" tells Andrew everything. Well, at least as much as she could. She admits times were different when she started to think about getting a divorce, but is now calling it off. Apparently in the past, Siobhan had thought some bad things about Andrew based on fear. Bridget realizes that she has to stop listening to other people and that Siobhan was wrong about Andrew, so she asks for his forgiveness. I absolutely loved this scene and thought it was the best in the episode. It was very sweet of "Siobhan" to tell him that the dress appointment was the nicest thing he'd ever done for her. It was even sweeter that he told her she was beautiful...awwww. It's going to suck when Andrew finds out "Siobhan" is really Bridget, but I don't want to ruin the moment.

This episode spends more time following the real Siobhan then the last one. While at a bar, she meets a man trying to order a drink who cannot speak French. She introduces herself, but lies about her name. She gives the man her room number, but she gets sick when they're making out and tells him to leave promptly before throwing up. Clearly, this is a sign of morning sickness because we've known Siobhan was pregnant since the first episode. Siobhan ends up taking a pregnancy test, which is positive. She calls Henry while looking at the test, but doesn't say anything. I think she's quite shocked and doesn't know what to tell him. Just not a very good situation for Siobhan. Clearly, she had no idea she was pregnant when she left her life.

Okay, so I wasn't able to keep it short. It's just a lot happened on both shows tonight, and sometimes I feel like I need to write a complete summary of the episodes to write a good commentary. Coming up tomorrow: Reven8e

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